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Answers To Common Questions About North Carolina Dog Bite Injuries

Being bitten by someone else’s dog can be scary as well as painful. If you or your child was recently bitten, you likely have a lot more questions than answers at the moment. Thankfully, our lawyers at R. Steve Bowden & Associates are here to help.

On this page, we’ve answered some of the most common questions prospective clients ask about dog bite injuries and liability. After you’ve finished reading, you can get your own questions answered by scheduling a free initial consultation.

Who can be held responsible when a dog bites someone in North Carolina?

If anyone can be held liable for a dog bite or attack, it is the dog’s owner. However, this isn’t true in all cases, as we’ll describe below. North Carolina has complex dog bite liability laws at the state level, made even more complex by the addition of various local and county ordinances related to dog bites.

If a dog’s owner is found to be liable, victim compensation is often paid through a claim on that person’s homeowner insurance policy.

What is North Carolina’s ‘one-bite’ rule, and how does it impact dog bite victims?

Some states recognize “strict liability” in dog bite cases. Put simply, that means that a dog owner is liable when their dog bites someone merely because they own the dog. Unfortunately for victims here, North Carolina is not a strict liability state.

Instead, our state follows the “one-bite” rule. Under this principle, a dog owner typically cannot be held liable the first time their dog bites someone because they had no reason to know or suspect that the dog was aggressive or dangerous.

If the dog has attacked or been aggressive before, the owners can be held strictly liable for future attacks. But, as cynics would say, “the first bite is free.”

It may be possible to claim compensation even if you were attacked by a previously docile dog. Our attorneys can discuss your legal options with you in a free consultation.

What types of damages are available in a dog bite claim?

If the homeowner is found to be liable, you may be entitled to damages (compensation) for medical bills (present and future), lost wages, pain and suffering, scarring and disfigurement, and permanent disability. The exact damages available and the overall value of the claim will depend on the details of the case.

My child was bitten by a dog – what should I do?

The first and most important action is to seek medical attention right away. Dog bite injuries can be serious or life-threatening, particularly among children and the elderly. A thorough medical examination will ensure your child receives the treatment they need. It will also create detailed medical records that will be important later when seeking compensation.

After your child has been treated, the next step is to discuss your case with an attorney. North Carolina’s laws are complex, but an attorney can help you understand your rights and legal options.

Get Your Questions Answered In A Free Consultation

To learn more about how our attorneys at R. Steve Bowden & Associates can help you, contact our Greensboro office to request a free consultation. Just call 336-285-0925 or reach out online.