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What situations cause a car to roll over?

On Behalf of | Feb 7, 2024 | Auto Accidents |

North Carolina drivers need to remain aware of their surroundings and road conditions. Sudden stops and wet roads are prime contributors to automobile rollovers. When an external factor disrupts a vehicle’s forward motion, the car’s momentum may cause the wheels to slide, initiating a rollover.


An automobile doesn’t have to be speeding to be involved in a rollover, but the chances of this happening are higher if they are. Statistics indicate that 75% of fatal rollovers happen on undivided rural roads with a posted speed limit of 55 mph or higher.

Hard braking

Hard braking while speeding is particularly dangerous. The car stops but is momentarily unbalanced as the wheels slide. That instability may result in car accidents. Pumping the brakes to slow down gradually is often the better choice.

Road conditions

Wet or icy roads offer particularly challenging conditions for drivers fighting to control a sliding car. The tires cannot grip the road to stop the momentum, and the vehicle may roll over if it hits a curb or pothole. Experts recommend that drivers encountering an icy patch should take their foot off the gas and keep the car straight. However, if it starts to slide, turn the wheels toward the slide. Applying force in the opposite direction to the car’s momentum could result in a rollover.

Inadequate tire pressure

Check your tire pressure frequently and take action if your dashboard icons indicate low tire pressure. This step is most important if you expect bad weather. Your tires need sufficient traction on wet roads to reduce the chance of an accident.

If you are driving and see an obstacle in the road or feel your car start to slide, don’t panic and don’t stomp on the brakes. It may be safer to hit the pothole than trying to avoid it.