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Determining fault by vehicle damage

On Behalf of | Jul 13, 2021 | Auto Accidents |

After a car accident, it’s essential for you to determine the person responsible for the crash. It’s often referred to as determining fault. North Carolina is a fault state where the driver responsible for the crash ought to compensate the victims for pain, medical costs, damage and lost wages. In some instances, the fault is highly disputed since the parties involved want to obtain compensation. The damage to your car is a contributing factor in determining who to blame.

Types of damages and car accidents

Since there are different types of accidents, the accidents will result in other damages. Here are some types of damages to look out for:

• Head-on collision. It’s a car accident that leaves damage on the front bumpers of the vehicles involved.
• Rear-end collision. In a rear-end collision, one vehicle will have a damaged back bumper, and the other one will have damage on the front bumper.
• T-bone collision. It’s also known as a side-impact collision. One vehicle is often damaged on the side, while the other experiences damage on the front bumper.
• Side-swipe. The cars involved have damages on the sides where they scraped each other.
• Rollover. In a rollover accident, the damage location varies on the hit location.

Other information required to determine at fault

While looking for damage is essential, there are other pieces of evidence that can guide you. Witness testimony is vital to telling the story of what occurred before the crash. Additionally, debris on the rod can offer clues to the at-fault driver. Skid marks are other critical information to consider. Since auto accidents are unique, proving the at-fault driver differs with every accident.

If you’re a victim of an auto accident, contact an attorney immediately. An attorney might help you get an ideal compensation.