The Insurance Company Is NOT On Your Side®
The Insurance Company Is NOT On Your Side®

What Are Preexisting Conditions?

If you were injured years ago, and your current job only made that old injury worse, you may think you don’t have a workers’ compensation case. And you may be wrong. In many cases, North Carolina law allows people with preexisting conditions to collect workers’ compensation benefits. Of course, the insurance company would prefer you to ignore this right, but The Insurance Company Is NOT On Your Side ®.

At the law office of R. Steve Bowden & Associates, we are on your side. We have decades of experience helping injured individuals obtain the benefits they need. Our responsibility is to ensure that you are protected and fairly compensated, even if you had a preexisting injury or condition. That is our job, and we take it seriously.

Examples Of Injuries Made Worse At Work

Here are a few examples of scenarios in which you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits:

  • You injure your back playing football in college and require surgery. However, after the surgery, you are able to return to life as normal. Five years later, you are lifting heavy boxes at work when your back is re-injured by the repetitive motion.
  • You injure your knee in a motorcycle accident. A few years later, you fall off a ladder at work and land on that knee, creating even more severe damage.
  • You have arthritis in your foot that is manageable with proper care. However, one day at work, you drop a heavy tool on that foot. This makes the arthritis flare up so strongly that you cannot return to work.

We Are Dedicated To Providing Personalized Attention

The law firm of R. Steve Bowden & Associates includes an experienced lawyer and certified support staff designated to assist clients with workers compensation’ claims. This part of team focuses the majority of their practice on this area of law, and are able to effectively guide clients through the entire process of resolving work injury matters.

You will work directly with your attorney who takes the time to get to know you and your particular concerns. You can trust our legal team to offer the caring attention you deserve.

Get Personal Attention To Your Case Today

Call our Greensboro office at 336-285-0925 or send us an email to discuss how we can help. We offer a free initial consultation and gladly provide evening or weekend appointments as needed.

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