The Insurance Company Is NOT On Your Side®
The Insurance Company Is NOT On Your Side®

Bedsores/Pressure Ulcers

At the law office of R. Steve Bowden & Associates, we recognize that bedsores, also known as decubitus ulcers, are often a clear sign of nursing home negligence. In many cases, we find that they could have been prevented if the staff had simply done its job – turning and changing the resident on a regular basis. Our attorneys are proud to take action against nursing homes that fail to provide the care they have been paid to provide.

If you believe that an elderly loved one has suffered a preventable bedsore because of nursing home negligence, you can benefit from the decades of experience we bring to these cases. Contact our North Carolina personal injury lawyers for a free initial consultation.

There Is No Excuse for Nursing Home Negligence

Bedsores certainly can occur even when the appropriate standard of care is provided. In most nursing homes where the staff is adequately trained, these are typically treated before they get out of control. Unfortunately, many bedsores could have been prevented simply by moving an immobile resident on a regular basis. Not only that, but these bedsores could have been treated but, instead, were left to grow larger and to get infected. Often, it is the infections that cause the most damage.

Pursuing Liability and Compensation

Investigation frequently plays an important role in bedsore cases. In tracing the root cause of this negligence, our lawyers often find that a nursing home has tried to protect its bottom line by cutting staff, cutting resources or taking similar steps. We hold nursing homes accountable when they pay more attention to their bottom line than to their residents.

You Deserve an Experienced Lawyer on Your Side

At the law office of R. Steve Bowden & Associates, our goal is simple: to meet your needs and get you fair compensation. You will have us on your side from start to finish. Contact our Greensboro bedsore lawyers for a free initial consultation.

Home and hospital appointments are available.

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